SPANISH beyond the textbooks...
If you’ve been a friend of VICI for a while, you’ll know how firmly we believe being bilingual makes our children smarter, more confident and gives them greater earning potential than their peers.Knowing a language goes beyond learning words and grammar rules – understanding culture is key to unlocking language. And there is no question that cultural background makes language learning easier.
To capitalise on this we are launching an exciting new programme aimed at teenagers.
“Allow us to introduce you to: The Spanish Teenage Hut !
A unique monthly format designed to get under the skin of the Spanish language and build our students’ confidence through exposure to known topics, language familiarisation with role-plays and conversational games.”
Nathalie Danon, Academy Director

…and learn to speak like a SPANISH native!
Programme essentials:
The Spanish Teenage Hut is a unique local offering working very much in line with the school modern foreign language curriculum.
Group sizes are limited, with a maximum of 12 individuals per monthly session.
Monthly meet up
Runs September to June
Conversational Spanish
Blended learning
Includes drinks and snacks!
Speak to a member of our Spanish team
Receptionist service: (01635) 44424 Spanish team: (07976) 243529 Email: spanish@thevici.com
Spotlight on Esther:
Esther, our Senior and Native Spanish Coach and Language Co-ordinator is simply quite fabulous at putting together language events, mixing games, culture and a lot of fun for students of all level and ages.
A former drama teacher, she ‘gets’ teenagers so they are sure to find her sessions fun and engaging!
She places a huge emphasis on helping them build strong oral communication skills and gain confidence at the same time.

Let your child come along, meet Esther and
Share their interest in the Spanish Language and Culture
Find other students their can share their knowledge and language ambitions with
Put their knowledge to practical use
Increase their vocabulary
Improve their listening comprehension skills
Benefits To your child
Enhance confidence and self-esteem
Develop personally and academically
Develop cultural awareness
Become more independent
Go beyond the textbooks and learn to speak Spanish like a native
Broaden horizons
The Spanish Teenage Hut is a unique offering, which greatly complements school language lessons.
Kind Words
From our students and parents who have experienced our programme:
Student, 17
“I studied languages at the academy and enjoyed every minute of it! The coaches were friendly and the classes always welcoming. VICI took me from a complete non-speaker to someone who now studies language at A level; it taught me to love the language rather than just learn it. This programme helped me so much with my confidence to become bilingual, thank you.
Mother of Thomas, 16
“A year ago I had a son that hated languages and had failing school results to prove it. After a year of group sessions at Vici and a fantastic holiday, his confidence is soaring and his grades are following suit. It has been remarkable to see that he now believes he can pass his GCSE and aspires to be bilingual in the future.
Mother of Millie, 13
“I would like to thank The VICI Language Academy and say how impressed I am with them; my daughter was disliking language classes at school and becoming very disheartened. Her view totally changed after attending VICI, the approach from the staff and quality of language coaching is fantastic, it’s a lovely atmosphere and my daughter is very happy to go along to her lessons now and is enjoying learning a different language.
Thank you very much.
What’s the next step?