Here at the VICI Language Academy we are fair bursting with pride over our students most of the time, however sometimes you want to run through the streets of Newbury telling everyone!
Readers of our newsletter will have already seen the case study about Tilly and Mirabelle – two of our youngest students on the French Masters Programme. Tilly is five and been here since she was three-and-a-half, while Mirabelle has only just turned three.
Their Mum explores the sisters’ journey and proudly tells the difference learning French has made in the powerful case study, which you can read here.
There are also some laughs to be had as she explains in this excerpt from the case study:
“We do joke Mirabelle was speaking French before she was potty trained as we are struggling with that but she is learning French!”
She adds: “I was honestly concerned if she was old enough to learn French and clearly she is. We get a few surprises of what she comes out with. We will ask ‘what colour is this?’ and she will come out with it in French. She will say ‘Merci’ and ‘Bonjour’ unprompted. It’s obviously at the forefront of her mind.”What amazing proof that your child is never too young to learn a foreign language – if anything the younger they are the easier they can find it!
Founder of VICI, Nathalie Danon-Kerr is beaming as she reads the case study, commenting: “We are thrilled when we get feedback like this. We love Tilly and Mirabelle to bits and they are stars in our French Masters Programme, yet it is still so rewarding to have such a powerful testimonial for other parents to see. We know how good we are and tell people, but then we would say that! When a mother speaks this passionately about us it brings a tear to our eye.”