How are things?
I hope you’re holding up okay – it’s been the craziest week I can ever remember, and I’m sure yours has been just as surreal.
One big thing I’ve been trying to do this week is to look for the silver lining in the black cloud we’re all living in, and as much as I joke about them, having my boys in the house is mine.
If you live with teenagers, you’ll know how time can go by without getting to spend the quality time you want to with them, so I’m seeing this time (albeit enforced!) as my silver lining for the week.
Many of our students have been looking for their silver linings and finding them too.
We’ve had a number of new students into the online academy this week, all looking to use this time to do something positive.
The first was a particularly joyful one for me – a lovely young lady who used to come and learn at VICI when she was just seven years old, and nearly 10 years on, she’s halfway through her French A-Levels, needs some extra help and sees this enforced lockdown as the perfect time to get a jumpstart on it.
In the same house, her Dad, who spends a lot of time working in Germany, is now on lockdown too and is using the time he used to spend commuting to brush up on his German for work.
Elsewhere, a father and son are now learning Russian together, using this time to learn a new skill, while a pilot with no planes to fly is finally deciding to learn the language he’s always wanted to, but never had the time for.
These stories fill me with joy, in the same way as other posts I’ve seen, with people finding silver linings in their own situations – quality time with their families, a chance to learn an instrument or read a book or work on their business.
I’ve always been a firm believer in the importance of mental positivity, and what I do know is that finding your silver lining will help you to get through this, so if you haven’t yet, start thinking!
Take care and be safe.