In the global marketplace it is becoming ever easier for UK workers to travel abroad for the right job and of course for foreign workers to bring their skills back here.
Looking more closely at those foreign workers, the experience at VICI is that typically the employee will already speak reasonable English and while it might need a polish, it is more than likely their command of the native tongue that helped them land a job in the UK in the first place.
Of course sometimes it is their skills alone or a foreign company moving workers here that can bring them to the UK and they need to learn English… but that’s a story for another day.
However, what about the partners of these English speaking economic migrants? Are they fluent in another mother’s tongue? If they do not speak English moving here can be daunting and joining the local community can be challenging to say the least. This can lead to isolation and unhappiness that will ultimately impact on the new role of the partner.
How about their children, do they speak English? It will depend on whereabouts they come from as many countries will teach English at school. Of course thinking back to what you might have thought about French or German when you were at school… So the children too might find English challenging and how can they possibly integrate at a new school if they cannot speak the language?
This is where the VICI Language Academy can help. While our sister company VICI Language Dynamics often finds workers with foreign languages and English as required and provides language training where needed, it is the Academy that works with families to help learn English so they can settle here in Newbury, Berkshire or anywhere in the United Kingdom.
The way we help people learn a new language here at VICI embraces the culture of whatever language we are teaching and this is as true of English as it is of French, German or any of the languages we offer – of course when it comes to teaching English we are surrounded by plenty of culture at Arcade House in Newbury.
Do you know someone who is perhaps not thriving because of a language barrier? While you could always learn their language, you could suggest the VICI Language Academy could help them embrace the culture of the community which is their new home.